You will need: unspun wool of beige or gray (main color), orange or blue (for gloves) and brown or white (for boots), black beads, felting needles, a simple pencil, a needle and a thick thread, scissors, if desired – thin knitting needles and orange or blue yarn for a scarf.
Master Class
1- Roll up an L-shape of beige wool, then felt it with a needle pierce.
2- Add wool to the cheek area and knit well.
3- Pass a needle with a thick thread through the neck to the place of the eye, then string the bead, thread the needle into the other eye hole, string the bead, bring the needle out and fasten it around the neck.

4- Draw a nose and a mouth with a simple pencil.
5- Roll the body into a drop shape, then felt with a thick needle.
6- Roll up the sheep’s legs and felt them, leaving the ends loose (not felted).
7- Form felt boots from brown wool, knit them with a thick, then a thin needle and attach with a needle to the legs of a lamb.

8- Roll the legs with a needle to the body of the lamb.
9- Roll wool in the area of the tummy and thighs.
10- Felt the arms in the same way as the legs, only a little smaller.
11- For mittens, from orange wool and attach them with a thin needle to your hands.

12- Roll your hands to the body of the sheep.
13- Form the ears of a triangular shape from beige wool, felt them, leaving the tip loose and attach to the head.
14- Tie a 15 cm scarf with thin needles by dialing 7 loops or decorate the toy to your taste.
Head to our Needle Felting Kit to start your own project.
Translated from Russian. Link to the original “”