We found this so fun to make Mini Teacup tutorials at Molliemakes.com . Grab your Needle felting supplies or get them here
Look, it’s a mini teacup! And you know how we feel about mini things. Ever tried needle felting? This tutorial by Gretel Parker is a great project to get you started. You can make a set for the little ones in your life (only the best china for our tikes) or make one to use as a practical pincushion. Here’s how…

You will need: 20g merino wool roving for the cup and saucer (M) Small amounts of merino wool roving for the decoration Small amounts of merino wool roving for the drink Two size 40 triangular needles and a holder. A felting mat to work on Embroidery thread Embroidery needle. Finished teacup size: 4 x 8cmFinished saucer size: 8cm.
Step 1- Take a length of roving (M), measuring 50 x 4cm. Tease it out gently to make a flattish strip, then roll it up to make a short tube. Begin shaping the teacup, using two needles. Squeeze one end in as you work, to make it smaller and turn as you go, to keep the cup round.
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