Planet Earth – embroidery using the French knot technique.

Needed Materials: Woven fabric, hoops, floss, embroidery needle, scissors, acrylic paint, brush.
First step:
1.1 To begin with, Download the below world map here. The following map will be used as colors sample for reference.

Second Step:
Transfer the world map to your fabric by tracing the outlines against and light source such as, day light window, cellphone flash light or using your iPad/ tablet.
Third Step:
Embroider the outlines of the map by using “back stitch” and black thread #310 to create the continents’ borders.

Step Four:
Here it comes the most interestng and creative part!
Using “French Knot: and various earthy colors (Refer to the world’s map above) scatter the colors as much as possible. Try not to concentrat on one area, this way you will get kind of natural distribution of colors. The artist started filling each continent with darker colors gradually getting to the lighter ones.

Step Five:
You can stop once you are done with filling the map with the “French Knot”. But, for more realistic look and FUN you can use blue acrylic color to color around the map and get that realistic look as well as a nice mixed media effect for your creation.

Now, it’s all done!

Translated from Russian – Source: “”